Wandia's World


2024: Your Year to Lead, Elevate and Transform

As we step into 2024, it’s evident that we’re navigating through uncharted waters.

The headlines each day seem to echo a narrative of regression rather than progression, painting a picture of a world that’s increasingly complex and challenging. The fast-paced, constant state of flux in our often unpredictable world has become a familiar backdrop for many of us.

It’s in such transformative times that the significance of visionary leadership comes into sharp focus.

Leadership is no longer just about adapting to change; it’s about transcending the chaos and unlocking new horizons.

As a leader, you are uniquely positioned to redefine what’s possible.

This isn’t just another year. It’s your moment. It’s the chance to really dig deep, find out what you’re made of, and show everyone else too. This is the time to harness your authentic strengths and lead with purpose.

There are huge opportunities out there in 2024 – if you know where to look.

So consider this your clarion call to step into your fullest potential. It’s time to take your leadership to the next level, not just for your own sake but for everyone who’s counting on you.

It’s time for true leaders to step forward. If that sounds like you, I’m passionate about helping you rise, raise your voice, and craft an executive brand that inspires.

Get in touch.

Wandia's World


Year End Reflection: How to Craft a Standout Performance Summary

As we close this year, I want to share some essential tips for writing an impactful year-end performance summary.

A well-crafted summary not only showcases your achievements but also sets the stage for your future growth.

Here’s how to make yours shine:

1. Align with Strategic Goals: Show how your efforts have contributed to the company’s mission. Use clear examples to demonstrate your alignment with the vision and goals.

2. Embrace Company Values: Reflect on how you’ve embodied our core values in your work. Share instances where you’ve demonstrated key behaviors like integrity, teamwork, and innovation.

3. Quantify Your Impact: Back up your achievements with data. Include metrics that illustrate your productivity, efficiency, and the overall impact of your work.

4. Acknowledge Team Efforts: Recognizing those who’ve supported and worked with you is crucial. A shout-out to colleagues who’ve been part of your journey goes a long way.

5. Look Ahead: Conclude with your future aspirations. Share your eagerness to learn, grow, and contribute even more to the organization’s success.

A great performance summary can lead to new opportunities and greater responsibilities. So, take the time to craft it with care and precision.

When you approach the process with introspection, strategic thinking, and a clear understanding of your role within the larger context of your organization,  you can create a summary that highlights your achievements and paves the way for future success.

What are your go-to strategies for highlighting your yearly achievements?

Drop your thoughts below!

Wandia's World


Thanksgiving Reflections: Embracing Gratitude Beyond the Holiday ?




As Thanksgiving rolls around, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the festivities and the seasonal expressions of gratitude. But what if this annual holiday tradition became a daily practice? This idea has reshaped my life and leadership approach.

My journey began unexpectedly during a dinner conversation with an inspiring leader.

“Be present. Cherish each moment with thanksgiving,” he advised, “Imagine you’re living in the velvet rope separating the mundane from the extraordinary. When you’re fully present, you’re front-row-center, champagne in hand.”

Gratitude and Executive Presence

At its core, gratitude is an acknowledgment and appreciation for the good things in our lives.

When we consciously cultivate gratitude, we bring our attention to the present moment. This mindfulness allows us to fully engage with our environment, experiences, and the people we encounter. We create a deep sense of awareness.

This is the essence of executive presence.

The Present

Your Stepping Stone to Success

Ever noticed how some effortlessly ascend the ladder of success? The secret key is attitude, gratitude, and mindfulness.

Impatience can be a stumbling block in the pursuit of success. It’s like a pesky little gremlin that whispers in our ears, urging us to sprint and skip past this moment.

But here’s a little secret: embracing the present is like finding an unexpected shortcut on this marathon to success.

When we take a moment to pause and truly relish the present, soaking up the richness of ‘right now,’ something magical happens. It’s like slowly savoring a perfectly brewed cup of coffee; you start to notice the subtle flavors and nuances that were always there, just waiting to be appreciated.

Excelling in our current endeavors becomes less about the frantic rush to the finish line and more about dancing elegantly through each step. This isn’t just a shift in pace; it’s a transformative waltz that reshapes our journey to success, turning each moment into a grander, more fulfilling step.

So, next time impatience comes knocking, invite it in for a cup of tea and a chat about the beauty of the present.

Being present is really about diving deep into whatever we’re doing now. Think of doing your current task so incredibly well that even your coffee cup can’t help but give you a standing ovation! Now, that’s something, isn’t it?

Focusing on the present turns each step we take into a stunning performance. And you know what? This focus is the magic that shapes our future, pushing us to go beyond where we are right now.

Gratitude is a Success Accelerator

Gratitude is a catalyst for transformation in our lives, unlocking a powerful connection between our present experiences and the future we desire. Our appreciation is the bridge between now and what lies ahead, the power that propels us forward.

Success isn’t a distant dream – it’s the chic rooftop party you’re already invited to, with gratitude as your exclusive invite. Approach each task with appreciation, and watch as it elevates your performance, paving the way for a cascade of future triumphs.

Appreciate the Journey

We’re often so fixated on our goals that we forget to enjoy the journey.

Gratitude changes that. It turns impatience into excitement, making us resilient and adaptable.

Daily Rituals

Discover the Power of Gratitude

Every morning, I have a simple yet profound gratitude ritual. I jot down three things: something I’m grateful for, someone who enriches my life, and one of my personal traits that I appreciate.  Today, I took time to enjoy a beautiful ray of light seeping through my window,  the joy of my daughter’s companionship, and my ability to connect deeply with others.

This practice of acknowledging even the smallest joys has brought a seismic shift in my perspective. It puts a pep in my step, a twinkle in my smile, and a bright light in my head and heart.


A Daily Leadership Practice

To truly harness the power of gratitude, it must become a part of our daily routine.

Keep a gratitude journal. Reflect on the positive aspects of each day. Recognize and celebrate small victories. Express appreciation to those around you. These practices will shift your perspective from what you lack to the abundance you possess and pave the way for your aspirations.

The Harvard Happiness Project sums it up: Happiness originates from gratitude.

Gratitude in Leadership: A Ripple Effect

A sense of entitlement often clouds our world – “I deserve this, I didn’t get that.”

Gratitude moves us from focusing on what we lack to appreciating what we have. This transformational shift is powerful, personally and professionally. It alters the narrative from entitlement to appreciation, from lacking to having.

Harvard Business Review highlights that gratitude enhances personal well-being and fundamentally improves team dynamics.

In my leadership journey and through Reactionpower, I’ve seen how fostering a culture of gratitude can revolutionize personal well-being and workplace morale. An attitude of gratitude counteracts the toxic culture of entitlement that often permeates our workspaces.

Shifting from a ‘me’ focus to an appreciation of the collective ‘we’ creates deeper connections with those around us.

The Gratitude Challenge: A Thanksgiving Invitation

So, this Thanksgiving, I challenge you: What are you thankful for? A thing, a person, a trait of yours?

Share it with your team, your family, or drop me a message. Join me in this gratitude challenge to create a #CultureOfGratitude and celebrate the rich tapestry of life that we’re part of.

Happy Thanksgiving! May your day be filled with moments and connections that remind you of life’s incredible richness.

#Thanksgiving #GratitudeEveryday #ThanksgivingReflections #ThanksgivingInspiration #CultureOfGratitude #ThankfulLeadership #GratitudeInLeadership  #EverydayGratitude

Wandia's World


Kindness in Leadership: The Unsung Hero ?? #WorldKindnessDay

In the words of Frederick William Faber, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”

As leaders, we’re often caught up in the whirlwind of deadlines, targets, and bottom lines.

But today, let’s pause and reflect on the often-overlooked power of kindness in our leadership toolkit.

The Ripple Effect of Kindness in Leadership

Kindness is a superpower that can transform our workplaces and our world.

When we embrace kindness, we’re not just spreading good vibes – we’re cultivating an environment where trust blossoms, loyalty flourishes, and innovation springs up.

Build Trust: Kindness creates trust and leads to open, candid communication. Where there’s kindness, people also feel valued. Thus, they are more inclined to trust their leaders and colleagues. This is essential for resolving conflicts, making good decisions, and building strong relationships.

Ignite Loyalty: A kind culture motivates employees to stay. A dedicated team leads to higher job satisfaction and engagement. This, in turn, can increase productivity.

Drive Innovation: A supportive environment makes it easier for team members to share ideas, take risks, and innovate, leading to growth and creative breakthroughs.

Kindness Connects

We’re navigating a world that’s divided and fraught with conflict.

Kindness can guide us toward unity, understanding, and a more peaceful existence. It’s the force that bridges divides and creates collaboration, even in tough times.

Simple Acts, Significant Impact

Be Kind to Yourself: Leadership starts with self-compassion. You cannot give to others what you do not have.

Use Magic Words: Never underestimate the power of a genuine ‘thank you’ or ‘please.’ These simple courtesies can go a long way in making people feel valued.

Practice Empathetic Listening: Truly seeking to understand other’s perspectives and showing empathy can transform everyday interactions into meaningful connections.

Lend a Hand: If you can help someone, do so. It might be mentoring a team member or supporting a community initiative.

Smile: Sometimes, a smile can be the simplest yet most effective act of kindness.

Let’s Lead with Kindness

As leaders, we have the power to make kindness the norm, not the exception. Integrating these small yet impactful practices into our leadership style contributes to a kinder, more compassionate world.

Through our collective efforts of kindness, we can create a world where our humanity is at the heart of every decision, interaction, and innovation.

So, this World Kindness Day, let’s pledge to lead with compassion and build bridges, not barriers, with kindness as our cornerstone.

#LeadershipWithAHeart #CompassionateLeadership #KindnessInAction #BeTheChange

Wandia's World


3 Secret Ingredients for an Unforgettable Executive Brand: Emotion, Information and a Dash of Swagger

Once upon a time, in the enchanting realm of the corporate world, there lived Ethan, a fearless CSuite executive.

Ethan was known for his sharp intellect, impeccable style, and uncanny ability to inspire. He consistently raised the bar, met challenges head-on, and led his teams to victory.

Yet, something was missing.

Despite his impressive achievements, Ethan felt like he was just another face in the sea of suits, lacking that special something that would make his executive brand truly memorable.

One morning, as he sipped his espresso, an idea struck him. He realized that behind every great brand lies a captivating story—a tale that weaves triumphs, setbacks, and the essence of what makes a leader exceptional.

And so, armed with a steely resolve and a twinkle in his eye, Ethan embarked on a quest to develop his executive brand. His brand would set him apart from the crowd and leave an indelible mark on all who crossed his path.

Ethan discovered the power of personal branding. He unearthed gems in his personal journey—moments of vulnerability, resilience, and epiphany that had shaped him into the leader he had become.

And as he shared these stories, a remarkable thing happened. Once mere spectators, his audience became captivated by the authenticity and relatability that emanated from Ethan’s tales. They saw not just a high-powered executive but a human being who had faced challenges, overcome obstacles, and emerged stronger than ever.


As Ethan delved deeper into his own narrative, he realized that his experiences held valuable lessons for others. With each anecdote, he shared wisdom gained from the trenches, and insights that sparked inspiration and fostered personal growth in his listeners. His stories became a beacon of hope, guiding aspiring leaders through the treacherous paths of corporate life and offering solace to those facing their own professional trials.

But Ethan’s journey didn’t stop there.


Ethan understood that to truly establish his brand as a force to be reckoned with, he needed to couple the power of emotion with a wealth of information. It was time to build a formidable arsenal of industry expertise.

With a newfound zest for thought leadership, Ethan embarked on a quest for knowledge. He devoured industry trends, research papers, and the musings of fellow visionaries. Armed with this wealth of information, he became a trusted source—an oracle of insight and a guiding light for those seeking wisdom in a rapidly changing business landscape.

A Dash of Swagger

As he shared his newfound knowledge, Ethan discovered that his audience thirsted for his expertise. They craved his unique perspectives, eagerly devouring every morsel of information he served them. Ethan cemented his reputation as a leader at the forefront of innovation and wisdom through curated content, engaging dialogue, and the occasional brilliant one-liner.

Build an Unforgettable Executive Brand

And so, dear leader, the tale of Ethan teaches us a valuable lesson. The fusion of emotion and information is the key to unlocking a truly remarkable executive brand. Like Ethan, let your stories enchant, your wisdom inspire, and your brand sparkle. And remember, you don’t always have to follow conventions. Add your own dash of swagger. Your authentic uniqueness will give your brand a touch of magic.

In this world of business, where countless faces blend into the crowd, those who dare to weave their own extraordinary narrative leave an everlasting mark on the hearts and minds of their audience.

Wandia's World


Spring Forward

Spring brings new beginnings and fresh starts.⁠

With this fresh burst of energy, motivation, and raw willpower, comes the risk of burnout. If you don’t pace yourself, you can quickly go from blazing to fizzling. ⁠

Remember, small steps move you forward too. ⁠

What’s Calling You Forth?

So this season, feel what is calling your attention.

Are you ready for a transition?
Is it time to start writing your book?
Have you always wanted to research your family tree?
Do you long to learn a language? Or run a marathon?
Is there a personal project you want to begin?

Now is the time to tackle something that needs your attention.

Spring Forward with Self-Care

Decide what steps you are ready to take to manifest your visions.

While you’re at it, take on the inner doubts that prevent you from shifting your life in a new direction. Overcommitment, smartphone addiction, emotional eating, insomnia – these can be signs that you are unhealthy, distracted, stressed, and half-living. Unless you prioritize healing, rest, and recovery, you will never truly feel alive.

As you create your future, commit to daily practices that restore you, give perspective, and allow you to tend to your fire rather than burn it out.

Music. Laughter. Rest. Fun time with friends. Bath time journaling. Stargazing. Dancing. A walk on the beach… or a swim. Sunshine. Silence. Solitude. Meditation.

These are a few of my favorite things.

Spring Forward with Spring Cleaning

Let go of expectations and embrace the unexpected.
Spring clean old stories to make space for new adventures.
Say goodbye to ideas that don’t align with who you are becoming. ⁠
Release anything that’s hindering you from finding your soul’s alignment.

We tend to cling to the familiar because it is known. Yet, sometimes we need to let go even if we don’t know what comes next. We need to be ok with not knowing and trust that magic will find us when we need it most. ⁠

Let some energies unravel in your life.

Notice what you are holding on to too tightly and ask yourself why.

You can only spring forward after you release the crap you carry. It’s holding you back and wearing you down.

Let it go. Live. It’s spring!

Wandia's World


Finding Happiness

How do you go about finding happiness?

You strive to do well in school. To get the right job. To build the right life.

Tomorrow you’ll be happy after you get the promotion.

Next week you’ll be happy after you get the Instagram-worthy boyfriend.

Next year you will be happy when you have your picture-perfect wedding.

A decade from now you’ll be happy, once you have kids.

You’re a smart girl. Self-aware. So of course you’ve noticed that happiness is always around the corner of the next achievement, the next milestone toward your perfect life. One more and one more and one more and (don’t panic!) one more.

Keep it together girl, you’re almost there!

But one day soon?

Don’t waste years of your life with thoughts of finding happiness on the horizon.

Live in this moment, even as you work on progress. Instead of living with one foot in the future (and perhaps another in the past), take ownership of your experience now.

And remember, it’s often not what’s happening that determines our attitude.

Our thoughts are the key to unleashing our fulfillment, even in difficult times.

Wandia's World



Martin Luther King Jr. legacy inspires us to be more, to find hope even in the face of our finite disappointments… To hold fast even when we cannot see.

MLK inspires us to believe in a better world and our power to create one.

To build a better world … or a better life, or a better future… we must believe that it’s possible.


Believe you are here, in this season, for a reason.

There’s a lot in this world we can’t see with our eyes.
But if you look with your heart, you’ll see amazing possibilities
everywhere and all around you.


Believe we can build a better world.

Despite all our problems, worries, and wars,
there’s still so much caring, goodness and kindness
in us… each of us.

Together we can light the world.


Believe that together we’re better.

The story of the human spirit is the story of people who believed in themselves, and in one another.


Believe that the best is yet to be.

Believe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Believe you might be that light for yourself and someone else.


Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Wandia's World


What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Alive. That was my word for 2021… and in it, I’m finding my secret sauce.

What’s yours?

I’m committed to being in constant conversation with life. Always questioning, always learning – half curious kid, half audacious explorer, half undaunted life alchemist.

150% ALIVE.

So as we start the new year, I’m asking myself what I learned last year. I’ve tried to crystalize my thoughts into 5️⃣ lessons:

1. Let go

We often give so much power to the hurt of the past that it ends up ruling our present.

The act of letting go is rooted in a profound acceptance of what is. It’s about letting your heart crumble and letting yourself be rearranged by the journey of being alive.

The greatest act of self-love is to let go.

2. Love

Let your actions be motivated by love.

When love is pure, we’re not driven by agendas or conditions. Love is not loaded with “ifs and buts.” It’s just love.

There’s devotion, effort, and commitment to the people we journey with, not manipulative power struggles or coercive control. Love grants the people you love the freedom to be, to see and be seen, to feel understood and safe.

Love is the nerve to express what needs to be heard and listen with the ear of the heart.

Love assumes good intention, sees beyond what’s visible, and hears more than what’s being said.

Love fills our hearts with hope and gratitude and gives us a chance at rebirth. ✨

3. Stop performing

We hold back so much of ourselves when we script, edit, cut, redraft and perform.

There’s magic in that messy authentic part of us that we often start to accept only as we get much older. I’m all for learning, growing, and getting better. In the past, that meant adapting and assimilating into what or who was around me.  Last year I committed to holding nothing back – none of my feelings, none of my attention, none of my questions. It’s been vulnerable, sure. But it’s the only way to return to the miracle of being here completely.

No performances. That’s the promise I’ve made to myself. Perhaps then people around me will mirror what’s in my heart – and there we’ll find magic in what’s real – our pure, beautiful messy souls.

4. Build great relationships

Relationships take heart.

They don’t come readily assembled and perfect out the box.

The hardest moments reveal opportunities to better understand each other and deepen a meaningful connection.

In 2021 I was forced to let go of perfection.

Instead, I’m learning to build on good communication and a profound commitment to caring.

A friend once said she wanted to find a life partner because living alone can make you an awkward person. I laughed, at first… then I thought about it.

Romantic love is an invitation to heal. That can make it really messy but it creates an opportunity for two people to grow in self-awareness, develop emotional maturity and become so much more – individually and together.

Love is the courage to admit that we are wrong and own where we mess up. It’s the courage to hold space for others to be – to wait and watch with all of who we are, allowing our loved ones to be all who they are.

Great relationships take courage to care even when we’re bent… not broken.

Don’t build relationships with broken people. Walk away.

5. Live

Life happens in the ordinary.

We often find ourselves looking for the extraordinary to make us come alive. But the blessings of the ordinary are that in moments of stillness everything that is life is revealed… the power of presence.

In the gift of the here and now we can see through the troubles, wade through the turbulence and reconnect.

Gratitude gives us grace – when we go below the surface of ordinary things, we can see the miracle of the moment. We get to celebrate the things (and people!) we once only wished we had. We return to the heart of all things – the warmth of a delightful cup of tea on a cold morning, a cold cocktail in the evening, a moment to slow dance and celebrate the one you love, the smile of a stranger, the laughter of friends who sustain you along the way, the hug or tag of your child, the crunchy leaves beneath your feet or the sunshine kissing your face.

2021 was a year of immense growth for me, with profound breakthrough insights on life and love.

In a world that often teaches us the only way to be lovable is to be extraordinary, a return to experiencing the marvels of the ordinary was a gift – an invitation to stay open to the magic of falling in love with life at first sight.

Happy new year, you beautiful soul ❤️ What’s your secret sauce?

Share it with me and let me know what makes you come alive!


Wandia's World


How to Be Happy

Here’s a brilliant message about being happy. It’s a loose English translation of  “Palco de vida” attributed to the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) not Pope Francis as some online posts claim.  I hope it inspires you and helps you find the renewal of HOPE, HEALTH, and LOVE. Happy Easter ??????

You can have flaws, be anxious, and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can stop it from going bust. Many appreciate you, admire you, and love you.

Remember that to be happy is not to have a sky without storms, roads without peril, work without fatigue, relationships without disappointments.

Being happy is finding strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in fear, love in disagreements.

It is not only appreciating the smile but reflecting on the sadness.
It is not only celebrating successes but learning lessons from failures.
It is not only having joy in applause but finding it in anonymity.

Being happy is recognizing that life is worth living, despite all the challenges, misunderstandings, and periods of crisis. It is not a fatality of destiny, but an achievement for those who can travel within themselves.

To be happy is to stop feeling like a victim and become your destiny’s author.
It is to cross deserts, yet be able to find an oasis in the depths of our soul.
It is to thank God for every morning, for the miracle of life.

To be happy is to be unafraid of your own feelings.
It is to be able to talk about you.
It is having the courage to hear “no”.
It is confidence in the face of criticism, even sometimes when unjustified.
It is to kiss your children, pamper your parents, to live poetic moments with friends.

To be happy is to let live the creature that lives in each of us, free, joyful, and simple.
It is to have the maturity to be able to say: “I made mistakes”.
It is to have the courage to say “I am sorry”.
It is to have the sensitivity to say, “I need you”.
It is to have the ability to say “I love you”.

It is to have the humility of receptivity.

May your life become a garden of opportunities for happiness …
That in spring may it be a lover of joy. In winter a lover of wisdom.

And when you make a mistake, start all over again.
For only then will you be in love with life.

You will find that to be happy is not to have a perfect life.

Use the tears to irrigate tolerance.
Use your losses to train patience.
Use your mistakes to sculptor serenity.
Use pain to plaster pleasure.
Use obstacles to open windows of intelligence.

Never give up hope …

Never give up on the people you love.

Never give up on happiness, because life is spectacular, even if it gives you dozens of reasons to demonstrate the contrary.

For life is an incredible show.


