Wandia's World

Are You Accidentally Killing Your Team’s Creativity?

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about where creativity comes from and how to nurture and grow it in a team. As a result, even well-meaning leaders can end up killing the creativity of a team when they need it most. If your entire creative method is to get your…..

Let’s Time Travel Together into the Future

It’s the year 2035. The world has changed and you’ve been leading the charge to make it happen. Artificial intelligence has liberated us from repetitive mental tasks the same way the industrial revolution freed people from repetitive physical tasks. You pay for your groceries with cryptocurrency on your Samsung Galaxy…..

Doing Business Beyond Our Borders: 4 Cultural & Context Cues to Consider

All humans bleed red and smile in the same language. We have many common elements in our shared humanity. However, as we think about doing business beyond our borders, there are many cultural cues to consider. I have had years of trial and error, working with global teams in London,…..

Love, You Are Always Worthy

The love you deserve will peek into the most profound parts of who you are, and cradle you there. It will not cower, or run away. The love you deserve will clap for the parts of yourself you always used to hide, it will cherish the twists within your soul…..

With Our Thoughts, We Make Our World.

Our view profoundly affects the way we lead life. The beliefs we hold about ourselves guide and permeate nearly every part of our lives. Our beliefs influence our thoughts which limit our potential or enable our success. Our thoughts often mark the difference between excellence and mediocrity. Our thoughts influence…..

Perfectly Imperfect

Imperfection is part of life. It is part of humanity. It is all around us and within us. Trying to force perfection can be tough on the psyche. While striving to achieve more, we will fall short far too often. Instead of focusing on your imperfections look at the special…..

A Little TLC Goes A Long Way

In a fast-paced and often chaotic society, many women tend to put their own needs on the back burner. As women we often spend much of our lives nurturing others and struggle with giving ourselves permission for self-care. It’s hard to remember that we, as much as anybody else in…..


Walking is the best exercise! This year, walk away from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger. Walk away from people who deliberately put you down. Walk away from any thought that reduces your worth. Walk away from failures and fears that stifle your dreams. The more you walk…..

How To Avoid Stress Related Mental Implosions

A huge part of being human is the emotional turbulence we all face from time to time, from exciting emotional highs to those unbearable low moments. A recent gallup poll showed that a whopping 55% of people in the US experienced stress on a daily basis. If not dealt with…..

Heartbreak Warfare

The disappointing thing about heartbreak warfare is that, once you begin, no one really ever wins. And yet the truth is that in matters of the heart, there’re only two things we all really want – to feel like we’re enough and to be loved. Heartbreak Warfare is a song…..
