Wandia's World

Marketers: What Web3 and NFTs Mean for You

This year there’s been a lot of talk about how NFTs can help marketers get a competitive advantage. Brands like Coca-Cola have already launched successful projects using NFTs. The execution and insights behind these activities show that by adopting new strategies and technologies businesses can differentiate while staying true to…..

3 Instantly Damaging Personal Branding Mistakes

Personal branding can pay off in all aspects of life.  But if your goal is to fill an emotional void or mask insecurity – beware!  Seeking approval from external sources won’t bring lasting satisfaction. Your personal brand should authentically reflect YOU and your values. So don’t fall into the trap…..

What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Alive. That was my word for 2021… and in it, I’m finding my secret sauce. What’s yours? I’m committed to being in constant conversation with life. Always questioning, always learning – half curious kid, half audacious explorer, half undaunted life alchemist. 150% ALIVE. So as we start the new year,…..

Holding Hope

The current state of world events is heart-wrenching, from the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, the devastation following the massive earthquake in Haiti, and the relentless global spread of the COVID-19 delta variant to the political polarity and incessant misinformation in its wake. Holding hope that the pain today brings a…..


Today I get to celebrate four decades of being alive on this amazing planet! I am so grateful for all the people who have been a part of my journey (you know who you are!) and everything that helps me live with a greater understanding and respect for life. For…..

Be Bold.

Dare to believe. Dare to believe in something hopeful. Dare to believe in something worth feeling so intensely, something that fuels your purpose, your passion. Dare to believe in something that lights up your world and illuminates your path with its powerful flame. Be Bold. Click To Tweet Dare to…..

4 Communication Barriers Curtailing Your Success

Good communication is essential to strong relationships. Communication is the glue that holds together relationships, families, and friendships. Also at work, communication is one of the most important skills. It’s often the difference between a project succeeding or failing – or even a business floundering or thriving. Yet most of…..

How Apple’s Privacy Updates Affect Facebook Ads

Apple’s privacy policy prohibits certain data collection and sharing unless people opt into tracking on iOS 14.5 or later devices. As a result, ads personalization and performance reporting may be limited for both app and web conversion events. People who opt-out of data sharing will not be trackable by pixel…..

12 Signs Your Crazy Love is Domestic Abuse

Going Home When Your Haven Turns into a Hornet’s Nest Few things evoke a more reassuring sense of safety, stability, warmth, and comfort than going home. At home, we are afforded an escape from the hustle of the day. It’s a place where we can unwind, be ourselves, and find…..

How to Be Happy

Here’s a brilliant message about being happy. It’s a loose English translation of  “Palco de vida” attributed to the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) not Pope Francis as some online posts claim.  I hope it inspires you and helps you find the renewal of HOPE, HEALTH, and LOVE. Happy Easter…..
